With dedication and discipline, though, you should be able to achieve noticeable improvements in your midsection. Read on for some helpful tips!
Curb your cravings. Don't run over to the cookie jar or candy dish every time your sweet tooth begs for something delightful. Make sweets a special treat and do what you can to avoid eating them all the time.
Avoid eating after 'X' o'clock. Set a deadline for all your snacks and stick to it. An occasional miss due to a special event, party or unexpected late dinner is all right, but don't make a habit of it.
Work out. Odds are that your abs won't surprise you on their own. You've got to put a little muscle into it, whether that means engaging in a routine of crunches or trying yoga on for size. Experiment with different methods and discover what works for you even if it is some cheesy Abs of Steel video from a decade or two ago!
Get your heart rate up. Aerobic exercise contributes greatly to toning muscles and improving body appearance and functioning. Jog, power walk, run, swim, jump rope, do sets of jumping jacks, bike, roller-blade do something active!
Drink lots of water. Sometimes your stomach feels a pang and immediately you decide you want food. Instead, try pouring yourself a glass of ice water and see if you're still hungry after drinking that. To stay healthy and replenish all the fluids your body uses, you should be drinking a good amount of water each day. To determine the amount specific to your body, divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water per day. (At least!)
Now that you know how to jumpstart a campaign to a trimmer, tighter stomach, what are you waiting for? There's no time like the present to start working your abs into swimsuit shape. Follow the steps as outlined above and add your own special touches. Try healthier snacks like raw veggies and fresh fruit. Find an exercise buddy and challenge each other to work out to the best of your ability. Stay positive, stay motivated and you'll notice great changes in no time!
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