
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Firmer and Flatter Belly

Firmer and Flatter Belly

Advance your AB Training by adding resistance to your crunches for a firmer, flatter belly by using a high-cable crunch. 

The use of resistance, plus a stability ball as a support, ups the efficiency and challenge of your crunches for a beautiful, toned belly by doing the right steps.


1. Attach a rope to a high-cable pulley, then stand facing away from the machine, with a medium-sized stability ball between it and the small of your back, feet hip-width apart; knees slightly bent.

2. Grasp the rope, bringing upper arms to a 45-degree angle and parallel to each other.

3. Maintain arm position, contract abs and flex forward, bringing ribs toward hips without changing the hip angle.

4. Slowly return to starting position, slightly extending spine around the ball, and repeat.

Weight and Workout Guidelines
1. Do this move 2-3 times a week as part of a regular total-body strength-training program.

2. Use a 45 to 55 centimeter stability ball and 30-60 pounds and perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps resting 1 minute between sets.

3. After 4-6 weeks or when you feel ready, progress to the move in the advanced tip.

Advanced Tip
For more of a challenge, particularly to the obliques, add a rotation to this move, lifting one knee up and crunching opposite elbow toward it. Alternate sides to complete 1 rep.

Expert Advice
Be sure that your spine extends around the ball, just short hyperextension as you return from each rep. By doing this, you will recruit more abs fibers during the crunch.


1. Don't bend forward from the hips. This causes the hip flexors to take over, which makes the exercise less effective and can stress your back and neck.

2. Don't use a weight so heavy that you pull with your arms to do the work; this takes the workload off your abs and can strain your back muscles.

3. Don't 'jerk' your torso back up; this can stress your spine and the surrounding connective tissue.

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